There still seems to be a prevailing belief amongst many, that the counselling journey must be a laborious and long-winded one; a steep and winding path up a high mountain. This is possibly a hangover from earlier times when psychoanalysis reigned supreme. That WAS a journey requiring weekly visits over years. It focused more on a psychotherapy approach than a counselling one, however.

There is also a widely held notion that our ‘emotional stuff’ is old, deep, and accessible only through grit and grind. This creates the idea that years of therapy will be required to create feasible change. I do not go along with this. It doesn’t take a long time at all to discover the ‘templates’ we created in our beliefs, and thoughts long ago, that still operate to this day, and for them to be transformed.

Counselling is more about enabling one to live their best life. It helps people achieve their personal goals or to function more appropriately, with an educational, situational and developmental focus, drawing on our possibly untapped strengths, skills and competencies. Counselling enables us to access multiple perspectives and options, broadening our sense of identity and opportunity.

As I have always maintained, a little insight goes a long way. Small changes lead to exponential shifts in one’s life. When one alters the way they perceive things,  that creates changes in every part of one’s day to day life. This is amazingly empowering. Change the lens you see life through, and you change the experiences you have.

My approach to working with clients, is initially for 4 to 6 weekly or fortnightly sessions. This is when we really focus on problems, goals and stumbling blocks.  This is then tapered down to a monthly refresher/update/enhancer session. At this point we are on the journey together, for as long as this is helpful. This has worked for many people over the years, as it remains affordable, fruitful and rewarding.

Be aware that quite a few private health funds now rebate counselling. Check and see if yours is one of them.

Michael is available at Bardon Counselling and Therapies on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

To book an appointment, call the Centre on 07 – 3368 1300 or Michael: 0411 537 394, or visit Michael’s website:


Wife supporting husband in therapy